All FREE DotNetNuke hosting companies below give quality Hosting services with excellent uptime rate, 24x7 customer assistance, and offer a variety of functions. If you want to choose free web hosting service, Keep in mind that your web host should provide 99.9 % Server Uptime. Because, it may be possible that you lose all of your traffic if your business website go offline hence, you should make sure that your service provider should have 99.9% Server Uptime.
When you are in search of it take some time to analysis and review the newest specialized improvements and see what the best serves are providing. The best are not actually expensive; actually they are competitive for your hosting consideration. There are lot of web hosting sites provide free web host with Excellent uptime rate.
As the publisher of several web hosting review sites I often get asked how does one person go about finding FREE DotNetNuke hosting that is available to them. All too often I have to repeat myself to multiple people so I have decided to write this article on FREE DotNetNuke hosting with excellent uptime rate. There are several providers you need to know that they have high quality web hosting service for your DotNetNuke site.
FREE DotNetNuke Hosting with Excellent Uptime Rate
Rank | Company | Price | Features | |
![]() |
>> Latest ASP.NET Version | >> 2 GB Disk Space |
>> Latest Windows Server Version | >> 20 GB Bandwidth | |||
>> Plesk Control Panel | >> Unlimited Website | |||
>> 50 MB MSSQL | >> 100 MB Email Space | |||
>> 100 MB MySQL | >> Visit Website | |||
![]() |
>> Latest ASP.NET Version | >> Unlimited Disk Space |
>> Latest Windows Server Version | >> Unlimited Bandwidth | |||
>> Plesk Control Panel | >> Unlimited Website | |||
>> 50 MB MSSQL | >> 200 MB Email Space | |||
>> 100 MB MySQL | >> Visit Website | |||
![]() |
>> Latest ASP.NET Version | >> 2 GB Disk Space |
>> Latest Windows Server Version | >> 20 GB Bandwidth | |||
>> Plesk Control Panel | >> Unlimited Website | |||
>> 100 MB MSSQL | >> 200 MB Email Space | |||
>> 100 MB MySQL | >> Visit Website | |||
![]() |
>> Latest ASP.NET Version | >> 1 GB Disk Space |
>> Latest Windows Server Version | >> 20 GBBandwidth | |||
>> Plesk Control Panel | >> 1 Website | |||
>> 0 MB MSSQL | >> 500 MB Email Space | |||
>> 100 MB MySQL | >> Visit Website |

They use the latest web hosting technology to achieve the highest uptime possible. Their servers are highly scalable and able to handle very large amount of hits. They always ensure that their servers are never overloaded and every customer is able to have the best web hosting experience, so you can focus on what's important to you, which is running your business or your personal websites. They are always ready to help if you have any questions or issues. Their network is also multihomed. They are able to meet and exceed their industry's highest 99.99% Uptime SLA., established in 2008, is a leading web hosting provider, offering first class support and uptime. Their name-brand servers (all contain state-of-the-art RAID-10 protected SSD disks) are housed within their private, 100% green datacenter in Europe to deliver an optimum blend of affordability, flexibility and reliability.
They are committed to provide you with the best possible web hosting services. They provide 100% network uptime guarantee and up to 99.99% service uptime guarantee, one of the highest in industry. In case they cannot fulfill their SLA, they will provide full month credit to you account. They also offer unconditional 30-day money back guarantee for web hosting service. However they are confident that you would love their web hosting service.
They are committed to provide you with the best possible web hosting services. They provide 100% network uptime guarantee and up to 99.99% service uptime guarantee, one of the highest in industry. In case they cannot fulfill their SLA, they will provide full month credit to you account. They also offer unconditional 30-day money back guarantee for web hosting service. However they are confident that you would love their web hosting service.
With so much overselling and playing with bandwidth and hardware quality in the industry these days, it's hard to find a dedicated and reputable hosting provider. pride theirselves on providing unmatched support services and that's what their clients value about them.
All of their hosting solutions offer a 99.99% uptime guarantee and around-the-clock technical support from their highly skilled technicians that will ensure your site stays online no matter what time of day it is. They offer a unique hosting experience for your DotNetNuke site.
All of their hosting solutions offer a 99.99% uptime guarantee and around-the-clock technical support from their highly skilled technicians that will ensure your site stays online no matter what time of day it is. They offer a unique hosting experience for your DotNetNuke site.
UKWindowsHostASP.NET offer Plesk Control panel with one-click installer for you to easily install and maintain multiple copies of DotNetnuke, Umbraco, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and 300+ scripts. They also offer zero-click install which pre-install any popular script when they setup your web hosting. Their hosting platform is also fully optimized for all popular scripts such as DotNetNuke, Umbraco, WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.
They provide fully managed web hosting services to all their web hosting clients. They offer setup assistant on all popular scripts. They also provide free migration service to transfer your websites to theirs easily. They will make sure your website is always in tip-top shape. They are happy to answer any question you may have about your hosting and they make sure that any concern you may have is fully addressed. They offer 24/7 support via live chat, email and ticketing system. Customer Satisfaction is their #1 priority.
They provide fully managed web hosting services to all their web hosting clients. They offer setup assistant on all popular scripts. They also provide free migration service to transfer your websites to theirs easily. They will make sure your website is always in tip-top shape. They are happy to answer any question you may have about your hosting and they make sure that any concern you may have is fully addressed. They offer 24/7 support via live chat, email and ticketing system. Customer Satisfaction is their #1 priority.
Why DotNetNuke better than other platforms
DotNetNuke has become one of the most discussed content management system since its inception. Microsoft programmers these days use DotNetNuke to develop and maintain top-notch web sites and media rich web applications. DotNetNuke platform is one of the most suited options if you are developing the application in ASP.NET, which is widely used by many software development companies.
.Net developers make use of this open source web application framework based on Microsoft .Net stack to build scalable custom web sites and provide high quality web application development services. DotNetNuke can be termed as an open source program in Microsoft platform, widely used for designing and developing commercial and content rich web applications.
Easy web administration
There is systematic development of the DotNetNuke applications languages which have fluency of online languages such as CSS and HTML. It comes with efficient tool bars that are coded and implemented for different types of designs, security options, hosting preferences and other useful features.
Flexible applications
DotNetNuke offers very stable applications that are flexible to offer multiple features for development of best dynamic websites. These applications have modules that are tightly integrated within a common development environment. It provide fully customizable framework that offers integration with 3rd party modules and also full customization.
Strength and features
DotNetNuke programmers have exceed the features of this framework and is constantly working to improve the multi-functionality programmers that saves development time. Its administrative options are skillfully divided between host and individual portal level and it supports multiple portals with each site having its own new look.
Network support
There is a team of professional DotNetNuke programmers who support online forums, online help, blogs and other various dedicated support for this platform. It comes with powerful tools that are helpful for site-membership, hosting and site designing etc. There are other numerous other features that can be manipulated as per needs.
Simple Implementation
DotNetNuke provides a smooth and free application and facilitates all the changes at the levels that include style sheet and elements such as colour, bullet points, font types etc to enhace overall site appearance.
How to Find the Best FREE DotNetNuke Hosting
With several Web Hosting companies in the market, at times it is very hard to find which hosting company offers the Best Web Hosting solution. Choosing a suitable web host is very crucial for your business website. There are several hosting companies that offer a number of hosting packages and this where a user needs to make the right decision. The user must first look at all the various hosting plans that are being offered and then make comparisons between them. I have listed my top five things you need to know or ask before you choose DotNetNuke hosting.
Don't get stuck on names
That means, just because you hear a particular host advertise a lot during the super bowls or on the radio, don't assume that they offer the best web hosting. Some of these large hosting companies have a huge financial backing and can spend a ton of money on advertising which is very deceiving. In fact, I have found on several occasions that some smaller web hosting providers actually offer better services and solutions that these large ones. Sometimes the smaller companies will offer you the same features as the large companies, but you get better customer support. That leads into our number two reason.
Customer support is very important
I don't care what level of webmaster you are, you will need customer support at some point. A lot of companies out there skimp on customer support features to save some money. There are certain customer support features that I feel you should get from a company that considers themselves as one of the best web hosting features. Those customer support features should include free phone support, free email support, and free online support. The online support could consist of live chat or an online database of tutorials and FAQ's. One thing that you will see a lot are the companies offering all of that but the free phone support. Again, this is a cost saving measure, a measure that only hinders the customer in my opinion.
Core web hosting features
One thing you should know is that must web hosting companies out there have the same or very similar web features. What is going to vary is the version of software you have access to or the amount of that particular feature you get. For example, almost every web hosting provider offers PHP, but not all offer the latest version. Another area where this comes into play is when you start looking at the amount of disk space and data transfer you get. It seems like the companies either offer unlimited disk space and data transfer or they offer you around 10 GB of disk space and similar amount of data transfer. The truth of the matter is that very few sites even come close to use 10 GB of disk space so having unlimited is almost overkill. But it does come into play if you have multiple sites on your domain. Typically the sites that offer unlimited disk space and unlimited data transfer also allow you to host unlimited domains. What that means is that you can as many domains as you want on one single account, thus saving you money in the long run. So if you plan on having multiple websites in the future then you definitely want to get a web hosting provider that offers unlimited disk space and data transfer.
Don't get fooled by free promotions
A lot of the hosts offer you free promotions such as a free domain name and free advertising credits. Some will even try to say that they offer you free shopping carts, free merchant accounts, and other free features. The thing with this is those free features, other than a domain name and advertising credits, are open source so they are free anyways. These companies are just trying to fool you into thinking they give you more for your money.
Watch out for promo prices
Everybody wants to save money and there is nothing wrong with that. However, you need to know that a lot of these web hosting promo prices are only good for the first contract period. After that you pay full price. My recommendation is to make sure you sign up for the longest period you can so that you can get the lowest price for the longest time and inquire with the host what their renewal policy is.
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